Spring shouldn't be known for standardized testing

I'm sitting at my desk, looking out the glass sliding doors at an incredibly beautiful Spring morning. Yes, my allergies are killing me but right now, at this moment, I don't care. They won't really be bad until I step outside.

Unable to pull my millions of fragmented thoughts together to create a cohesive blog, yet feeling the need to write, I started my morning by looking at other blogs and checking out some websites.

I took a look at my hometown school district's site and noticed (it was hard to miss) that the kids there are taking the PARCC for the next two weeks, starting today.

My sympathies and prayers are with the students, teachers, and parents as they endure this unnecessary ordeal. I know that it is a hard thing to do, but I really really hope that someone --ideally more than one person -- will simply not show up to take the test.

I hope that parents will opt out their kids in the hundreds. I hope that at least one teacher. like this one in Tulsa, opts out of administering the test. It's a very brave thing to do -- stand up for learning and against standardized testing.

What will those students possibly do if they aren't there to take the test? I say they should go out with their families and enjoy the beautiful weather in beautiful New Mexico. Life isn't a test.


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