"You are", "you're", "your"..."ur"?

You might think that someone like me, an educator with a degree in English, would be preaching correct grammar and spelling, holding onto traditional ways of expressing ourselves in the written word. 
Lately I've been bitching about the misused apostrophe in the word "it's". 
I'm not insisting, however, that we relearn it all and do things traditionally; I'm saying let's move with the times and make new rules that reflect change. Might be easier that way. 
After all, once upon a time, contractions were not allowed to be used in academic writing. You could not smoosh two words together to make one, even though we did that when we spoke. That changed quickly. It was impractical not to. 
We're looking at the same thing as we progress to an even more technical age. Ideas are more important than spelling. Conciseness is valued. 
Most importantly, no one can spell anymore. I mean, why the hell do we continue to spell it "though", "enough" and "through"? It's crazy! (On a side note, the story behind how we spell is an interesting one.)
I told my 31-year-old son that in his lifetime if not mine, "ur " will be accepted as correct in our written language. He does not (doesn't) believe me. I have no trouble seeing "thru" being accepted. 
What do you think? Is it time to rewrite our rules for grammar and spelling? Kind comments and suggestions welcome.
Until next time...peace 


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