Angry mom rants about TENURE!!

I have talked before about my daughter and her frustration with her college statistics class. I wondered at the time what I was paying for if she wasn't learning anything. Well, get ready for the next installment...

This morning, Kelsey told me she just didn't want to go to class this morning. She absolutely hates it and much of that is due to an instructor who obviously doesn't know how to teach. As he tells the students often, he has tenure.

So let's talk about that outdated institution -- tenure -- a reward for outlasting other instructors at a certain college or university. That's all it is. It certainly isn't a reward for helping their students learn. This is a perfect example of how learning these days, at the college level, has nothing to do with the students!!!!

My daughter is being cheated out of her learning. She tells me that the TA, however, is a great teacher! He asks the class if they understand the concept and if even one person doesn't, he goes over it again in a different way. He practices student-centered learning. She loves it when the instructor is gone and the TA teaches.

This is what I want to do. I want to get a refund on that class because my daughter did not get what I paid for. And then I want to take that money and give it to the TA.


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