Applying for grants is like piecing together a puzzle

I've been applying for grants that I've found on the Center for Non Profit Excellence site. They have a handy calendar that puts all the deadlines and links in. I just go there to check out opportunities. I've learned a lot, sometimes a little too late.

One foundation requires interested applicants to send in a letter of introduction first. They will then approve it or not. I didn't read this until Monday, and their deadline for proposals is today. I sent in my letter of intro and they responded that there isn't time to submit a proposal but they will look into it for next year.

I also learned that each grant, especially federal grants, have requirements you have to meet to get the funding. For the YouthBuild grant, I have to come up with matching funds of 25% of whatever I'm granted. Now I have to figure out that so I can apply for that grant. I can do it. It isn't due until June.

Finally, I learned from the WalMart Foundation State Giving Grant guidelines that I can request money for salaries but only for half of the amount of each salary. However, we can ask for multiple salaries. Who thinks up this stuff?

I now have to put all of this together before I can apply for each grant and make sure I'm not breaking any rules in the bigger scheme of things.

Remember to read the proposal guidelines to every grant you apply for. There's almost always something...


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