Speaking of accountability...Jon Stewart talks about Atlanta cheating "scandal"

I wasn't planning to blog today but then I checked out Diane Ravitch's blog with a link to Jon Stewart's discussion of the Atlanta teacher scandal in which teachers cheated on standardized tests so that their students would get better scores, resulting in a better outcome for teachers as well.

When your job is on the line, you sometimes have to go to extremes to hold onto it, I believe these teachers were forced to make a decision and they decided to do what was best for their  students as well as themselves. I might have done the same thing if I were pushed to the wall.

Someone in the Jon Stewart piece says all they want is teacher accountability. Teacher accountability? Really? Don't you think that maybe these teachers WERE being accountable -- to their students? And isn't that exactly who they should be accountable to?

I think parents, students, and teachers all know that the only ones that need to be accountable at this point are the government and test publishers. When I use the word accountable, I really mean respectful, supportive, conscientious, and able to give us a better explanation for what the hell they are doing to our education system.

They need to quit attacking our teachers and students and take responsibility already.


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