Let's face it, I'm not qualified to teach

I've mentioned several times that I'm tutoring through Wyzant. Still only have one student but I'm having a blast and learning a lot, as is my student, I believe. I will have to assess that soon...

Yesterday I started to apply for another tutoring job with another elementary student and was asked to provide my qualifications in this area. I'm guessing the parent wanted to know.

At first, I thought, SAY WHAT? But then I realized that it was a fair request. As a parent, I would also think, why am I paying for someone who doesn't have the credentials to tutor my child? I might as well do it myself.

That is absolutely true and fair. We all know that if you don't have that piece of paper saying that you are qualified, you aren't.

I do not have any teacher licensure at this point, at any level. And I have no hope of getting any either, not the way the system is set up. So am I qualified to teach at all? No, I guess I'm not. But I am qualified to help others learn because I'm good at it. Simple as that.

So I need to find a way to list my qualifications so that this parent and others don't really care that I am not a licensed teacher. I think I will list all of the professional development I've gone through, and my MA in education...which leads me to a tangent...I quit the PhD program at UNM because it would take me from the work -- and learning, ironically -- that is important to me. I don't believe a piece of paper proves your worth in any way. But I live in a world where it matters, and I've always tried to work within the system in order to not make waves, and also to survive.

To wrap it up, this one request -- for my qualifications -- has led me to wonder if I'm up to the challenges that face me. If I really believe what I believe, am I willing to give up some of the nicer things that come with working within the system, things like a regular paycheck, paid vacation, healthcare, online shopping?

I think the answer is, only if I can find another way, a better way.


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