Discover the Center for Non Profit Excellence

Last week, I registered with the NM Center for Non Profit Excellence. That is when I discovered that, although I have been issued an EIN by the IRS, it is not on their registry. Another thing I have to fix. But that's not the point of this blog.

The point is that the CNPE offers some pretty good services. I copied the list below from the email they sent me. Since I am feeling mellow today, I've decided not to get up on my soapbox. Instead, I will take some time to check this list out myself. Have a nice Tuesday. Go learn something!

·         Volunteer Connectionpost your Board and volunteer opportunities
·         Post jobs as they become available in your organization
·         Gifts In-Kindlist your needs (i.e., office equipment, supplies)
·         Pro Bono Services: individuals list their available time or professional service
·         Consultants Directory: a list of local professionals for hire with an expertise in various areas (i.e., financial services, fundraising, evaluation, Board development)
·         Grantmakers Directory: a one of a kind directory of grantmakers that fund in New Mexico
·         News Articles: when you have something great going on, add an article to our website. Take a look at ourNews Section here for some inspiration.
·         Resources: we have an abundance of information available on ever topic relevant to a nonprofit, including sample documents, websites and tried and true tips and techniques
·         Trainings: CNPE hosts 30-40 trainings a year on the topics under Resources.  There are also Online Learning opportunities through outside agencies (i.e., Charity How To, Volunteer Match) and Community Trainings through various agencies and companies in the area.


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