looking at the data: who's reading my blog anyway?
I really love Blogger because, like Facebook, they give me data about my blog that help me see who is reading, which posts go over better than others, etc.
Today, I was interested in looking at where my readers come from. I say my readers like they regularly check out my blog but they may have visited it only once. Anyway, my posts go out to a US audience only. But I worked at UNM-Los Alamos, and the students, and instructors, in my ESL program were from all over the world. I think that some of those I have kept in touch with -- mainly through Facebook -- are checking it out.
Since I have been blogging, this is how it looks audience-wise:
Today, I was interested in looking at where my readers come from. I say my readers like they regularly check out my blog but they may have visited it only once. Anyway, my posts go out to a US audience only. But I worked at UNM-Los Alamos, and the students, and instructors, in my ESL program were from all over the world. I think that some of those I have kept in touch with -- mainly through Facebook -- are checking it out.
Since I have been blogging, this is how it looks audience-wise:
These are some of my thoughts, concerns, questions, as I look at this list:
- I know two people in Portugal; why is only one looking at my page? I won't name names...
- Kenya? I didn't expect that but it's great.
- I've aligned myself with many ideas about learning that are coming from the UK. No one there seems to be looking at my blog. How do I change that?
- How can I turn people who are simply checking out my blog once into regular followers and, more importantly...
- How can I turn page views into page Likes and Comments?
Okay, that's it for today. I need to send off my grant proposal this morning and get started on the next. Have a great weekend and learn something!
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