Applying for grants is like piecing together a puzzle

I've been applying for grants that I've found on the Center for Non Profit Excellence site. They have a handy calendar that puts all the deadlines and links in. I just go there to check out opportunities. I've learned a lot, sometimes a little too late. One foundation requires interested applicants to send in a letter of introduction first. They will then approve it or not. I didn't read this until Monday, and their deadline for proposals is today. I sent in my letter of intro and they responded that there isn't time to submit a proposal but they will look into it for next year. I also learned that each grant, especially federal grants, have requirements you have to meet to get the funding. For the YouthBuild grant, I have to come up with matching funds of 25% of whatever I'm granted. Now I have to figure out that so I can apply for that grant. I can do it. It isn't due until June. Finally, I learned from the WalMart Foundation State Giving Grant gu...