Opting out -- Democracy vs Capitalism

The Opt Out Movement is an exciting thing. It is so much more than standardized testing; it's our chance to see if citizens can effect significant change through democratic processes rather than bowing down to the capitalist practices of test publishers and legislators who support big business.

This movement is the average American citizen angrily protesting because we've already tried to work through the political system.  We have spoken to our legislators but we have not been heard.

It's not at all about democracy, which fosters cooperation and the idea that every person in our country has a voice. It is all about capitalism and supporting big business. It's all about competition, who has the most money, and who can be bought.

Schools are under siege. They are threatened daily with the loss of funding if they don't test and show positive results. BIG WOO! I think we are all starting to see through that one. I'm more concerned about our teachers. They still have to tread carefully, fearing that their jobs are on the line. How crazy is that?!?

I'm watching New York closely and hoping New Mexico will follow suit and stand up for learning in our state. Let's bring it back to the teachers, students, and parents. Let's start deferring to our teachers for their expertise instead of spending so much time preparing for a test that only exists to make big money for big business.

We may not have our own government on our side but I believe we do have the media reporting responsibly for the most part and that will make a huge difference. We will see others in other parts of the country standing up for their kids and we will know we aren't alone. We will fight this together. Democracy will win in the end.


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