An apology to peacocks everywhere

I was thinking about my post yesterday about how politicians are much like peacocks. It's our limited perception of what peacocks are that lead us to judge politicians as such. I focused on the words "pride" and "party" to show the similarities. I owe peacocks an apology.

Today, I thought back to when I first moved to Bosque Farms and felt that connection to these funny birds. I had looked up their symbolism at that time, and revisited it today. It reminded me that there are so many noble aspects of the peacock that we have lost sight of. We have reached the point where, like we do with so many things these days, we only see the external. We see the beauty of the bird, the superficiality.

After looking up more positive qualities of the peacock, I realized that it is still a great metaphor for the politician -- the one that is and the one that could be.

In my mind, the majority of politicians display those superficial qualities of the peacock, the ones that don't matter in the long run. We talked about that yesterday.

But there are still good politicians out there who look deeper, who take their role as peacock seriously. They display those peacock qualities that others have lost sight of -- vision, spirituality, awakening, guidance, protection, watchfulness, and a good sense of humor.

If we have to work through political processes to create change in our learning systems, then let's find those true peacocks. Maybe they can instill in us a renewed faith in our government.


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