"Flipping" the US educational system (repost)

When I learned about the concepts behind flipping classrooms, I immediately saw the real possibilities for improving my adult learning program and my teaching in the ESL classroom.

I started flipping every idea I ever felt passionate about and found that changing the way I think in this fundamental way led to Live and Learn New Mexico!

What we are witnessing with the Opt Out movement, in my opinion, is flipped thinking in action. I will be referring to We/Us (teachers, students, parents, and anyone who cares deeply about learning) and They/Them (politicians, test publishers and others who may care -- and think They know -- about education but not so much about learning).

Standardized testing is a top down punitive measure in which legislators and test publishers are sending the message that We should be accountable in the classroom, that We have to jump through all the hoops, that We have to make the grade, so to speak. We started to question this -- why are our jobs on the line? why do our kids suffer such anxiety over testing? is this learning? Who are we answering to anyway?

[I don't want to overlook those who were brave in their own right and took the test. I'm interested in their thoughts. Was it worth it? What did you learn from the experience? Do you feel you are facing a better future, having taken it? Would you do it again?]

We are starting to speak up. In capitalist terms (what They understand best), We are the customer. They are accountable to Us. That is what the Opt Out movement is about. That is what the Slow Education movement is about. We are taking our power back. Let's flip this thing!!

Hey there, all you capitalists and politicians who think you know what learning is all about! We have a test for you. Let's see if you can pass it.


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