Providing locally grown produce to school food programs? WHAT?

So I was looking at the NM legislature's website, at the Bill Locator, and saw House Bill 96, NM grown produce for schools and others,  ( Great idea!!  The bill also creates a job for someone to implement the program. It means local growers would profit and that only strengthens us. It also promotes a healthier diet for our school children.

What would be really cool is to take this a step further and involve students in the program, where they can learn about the agriculture business, business practices in general, and other good things. The person hired as stated in the bill could have a student committee and they could get credit for the work they do to help support the program.

That's all I've got today. I'm distracted by the snow. I was afraid we wouldn't get any more this year. Schools are closed, even APS. Woo hoo! Not that it matters much to me now but I enjoy the spirit of the great American snow day. I'm off now to make a nice hot cup of tea.


  1. Something similar to what you have suggested here is happening in Mora:

  2. See? New Mexicans already know what needs to be done. Go Mora!


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