fools rush in

Okay, so it is good to do something, take action, when you are feeling low but maybe take a few extra minutes to make sure you do it right. Yesterday, I posted my first call for volunteers and donations on VolunteerSpot. In my haste, I forgot to sign up as Live and Learn NM! I also forgot to put a link to our website in.

The result is that a call for volunteers went out and no one who received the call knows what I'm even talking about. Thanks to my friend, Linda, for bringing this to my attention.

I went to VolunteerSpot but couldn't find a way to recall the call or clarify or whatever I needed to do. I ended up going on Facebook and making a comment on it that puts in a link to the L&LNM site.

I'm not sure if I should submit another or just wait and see what happens with this one. So I'm gonna wait.

My advice to you, no matter what mood you are in, is to take your time and double check things before you post.

On a brighter note, another thanks goes out to Tianmei, a former ESL student of mine and now friend and scholar. Tianmei is the first to sign up on VolunteerSpot to help our cause. You are AWESOME, Tianmei!!

It's a beautiful sunny day and the trees are turning green. I'm signing off and going out for some fresh air.


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