find your hero

As I've said many times, I am on a journey this year as I begin setting up my nonprofit. I am a big picture person and as I've explored the information out there that can help me on my journey, I have not limited myself to the field of education. I read about business, psychology, sociology, whatever fits into my big picture.

There are many business models and concepts that overlap with educational principles. I've been looking into how businesses use systems approaches for more efficient solutions. I've also been looking into work-at-home models. This week, I've been reading a book called The 4-Hour Workweek by Timothy Ferriss. It's nice and short and has a lot of motivational ideas for working at home and for yourself.

He challenges the reader to step out of their comfort zone and contact a famous person that they admire and ask them a question. My first instinct was to snort in derision. Yeah, that ain't gonna happen. And is it really that impressive these days to do this?

Then I thought about who I would contact, and I started to think it might not be a bad idea after all. I would contact Sir Ken Robinson, my hero. As soon as I thought of him, I decided to DO THIS!

Now I just need to think of a good question. I want it to be super intelligent and thought provoking.

Why am I blogging about this? So I will do it! I'm excited! I suggest you try it, too. Who is your hero? What do you want to ask them?


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