Taking it to the streets

The problem is a statewide one...more and more people are living on the streets. As I've watched and learned from the homeless in Albuquerque over the last few years, I've often thought, there but for the grace of God go I. It doesn't take much to imagine myself in their situation. What can we do to help these unfortunate people besides give them handouts? The City of Albuquerque has set up old buildings to house them but many don't want to live in them. Mental health plays a huge part in the problem. Why don't we take the doctors and counselors out to the homeless rather than try to herd them up and relocate them, especially since many are resistant? It works along the same lines as my ideas for the Be Kind Network, where educators go out in the community to teach rather than send students to school. Let's send those who can help out to the homeless where they live -- in the streets. Group counseling could happen in commun...