Nurturing healthy minds

I'm going to get straight to the point on this post -- we have to pay attention to our mental health, especially in these new times of Covid. 
I have been on a personal mental health journey and have shared it on social media because I know I'm not the only one looking for help, hoping for relief.
 And I have found relief, much to my relief. I feel so much better since learning more about my anxiety and the effects it has on my overall mental wellbeing.
I take two prescription meds and vitamin/mineral supplements like magnesium, and I try to get daily exercise. I continue to enjoy healing with cannabis, now legal in New Mexico. I meditate. 
I take photos wherever I go and share them online, enter contests, etc. 
I have a new hobby that arose from my vast collection of rocks I've found over the last few years. I make what I call good energy rock art. Creating it calms me. 
I urge anyone who is hurting, is depressed, angry, hopeless... PLEASE seek help, call a friend or a help line. Find hobbies and activities that calm you. Write in a journal. Hug your pets.
Don't listen to your thoughts. Your mind, if it is not well, is going to lie to you. It's going to tell you that you can reason your way to health, or it will tell you that it's not you, everyone else is crazy. 
After taking meds for a while, I experienced a fundamental shift in my thinking. I no longer get offended by minor things, I can let petty issues go, and I have my sense of humor back. I hum again and sing badly with the radio...and I laugh at corny sitcoms. 
We need to be aware of our mental health -- our thoughts, emotions, feelings, our spirituality. We need to cheer each other on, not put each other down.
If any of this post rings true and you want to help, please donate to an organization that supports research and efforts to make people mentally healthy and maybe even happy. 
Until next time...peace.


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