I love trees

When I think of New Mexico, my thoughts don't rush to all the trees our beautiful state has. It doesn't seem like we have a lot. We do, however, have five national forests. 
In those forests are many pinon and juniper trees, trees that survive well in hot, dry climates.
As I ride along NM roads and snap photos of trees I see, though, I'm not taking pictures of pinon or juniper. I'm taking pictures of trees that  people dreamt of having on their homesteads, trees they planted to make home more homey. 
When a family moved to their homestead, they may have planted trees for shade in the yard (great spots to work on the cars) and next to the house. They were planted with love and hope for a peaceful future. 
Often, at the end of the drive was a gate flanked by two beautiful shade trees.  
Many of the places I see once had mobile homes on them, I'm guessing. When the family left and took their home with them, were the left-behind outbuildings, propane tanks and trees lonely? Yes, I really wonder that! 
However our homestead trees came to be, I'm thankful for their calm beauty. Until next time, peace. 


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