Magnificent Moriarty sky

Hello! I hope you are having a great day. I'm having fun putting this blog post together. It's a calming, healing activity for me.
I've been talking a lot about my dad in recent posts. I miss him but feel his comforting love and support when I need it. He was the one who started me on my journey in photography.
Dad gave me the Canon AE-1 that I still have. I would love to use it again but my phone camera is so freakin' convenient and takes nice pictures...and it slips easily into my pocket or purse.
Since moving to Moriarty, I have been captivated by the sky. I am a morning person and am fortunate to see some amazing sunrises. I take many many snaps.
Lately, though, I've also been looking to the north to see some beautiful cloudage. One morning was all about what I call UFO clouds hovering over the neighborhood.
It doesn't matter what direction I turn; there's New Mexico sky to capture in a photo. I feel lucky to live here.
I know Moriarty is not the only place with such beautiful sky. Please share the sky you see where you live in our serene state. Until next time... peace. 


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