Art appreciation Dad style

In my last post, I talked about my dad and his love of indigenous art. Dad was a computer scientist/geek who spent his entire illustrious career at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). He loved it there and over the years worked his way up to director of security. 
He retired at 55 and lived the rest of his life peacefully on his mountain homestead with Mom, who also later retired from the Lab.
Like many computer geeks, Dad had a very precise style of writing, and he had a certain type of pen he wrote with, a fine tip, black ink.
I think that this preference shows in much of the art he likes so much. 
Dad also loved color. Right now, New Mexico is experiencing a severe drought and almost everything is brown...except the neverending blue sky.
Dad had more than paintings in his art collection. He and my mom had many beautiful pottery pieces from various tribes as well. 
Just wanted to share. I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope your day is good and kind. Until next time...


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