What the Frack!?! Let's Go Solar!

I've been learning more about the fracking industry and its effects on unsuspecting Americans and our planet. It is appalling, especially when you stop to consider the fact that we have clean energy technology that has no detrimental effects on anyone. We could be using clean energy now but -- OMG!! -- that would mean big business Oil and Gas would lose money, perhaps even go out of business.

Instead, the government has passed laws that allow fracking operations in states like Colorado. People live in Colorado to get away from busy city life and pollution. Fracking has brought pollution, illness, and financial ruin to many of them. When they tried to get help, there was no one to turn to, not when our government makes laws to protect fracking, up to the point where frackers are allowed to contaminate drinking water.

While we are trying to conserve water to the point where many of us take 5-minute showers and collect rain water, the government pours tons of water into fracking operations and ruins the drinking water of those who live nearby, causing illness and death of their cattle and pets...their businesses and themselves.

Water coming out of household faucets catches fire because of all the gases entering the well from fracking operations. Well water is ruined, and residents are forced to bring in clean water from somewhere else, at their own expense,of course.

One man decided to dig another well (after closing up the existing one), which blew up because of gases in the water caused by fracking. Who can afford all the mistakes big business and the government make? I can't.

As one organic farmer said in the documentary Gasland -- how can he guarantee that his organic meat is as pure as it should be when his cattle are drinking fracked water?

All of the ideas I've been talking about -- saving our planet, bringing power back to local communities, going organic -- are all shot down by an irresponsible government corrupted by big business.

It breaks my heart to see people trying to get help for the problems they are facing, brought about by fracking, and getting nothing. In fact, they are forced to pay even more than before just to live but many have to quit their jobs because their health has been compromised. They are alone. So let's look at it differently. Let's flip this thing.

New Mexico deserves better. We don't want the beauty of our state ruined by big business. We want to be environmentally responsible. If our government and corporatocracy can't step up and do the right thing, we will.

Let's go solar! 
If we put this issue in the context of the L&LNM super school, we could make a statewide solar energy project, with the goal being to make NM a solar powered state by the year ___. We could start with pilot programs in local communities, see how that goes, and expand little by little. (We also have a lot of wind that could be harnessed.)

The one thing I'm learning from all the documentaries I'm watching -- and just by living my life -- is that we can't solve real problems through broken political systems -- we have to take matters into our own hands and do what is right. People, if they stand up together, really can make a difference.

So let's make a positive difference for our planet and let's preserve the beauty of our amazing state.

New Mexico! Let's go solar!


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