Going Global to Strengthen NM Communities

A while back, I blogged about going local to solve global problems. I proposed that we bring our dairies back to NM and start providing food on a local, not global, basis. If we did this, would we alleviate the global warming problem (fewer cows would be farting)?

The XQ Super School challenge asks how our super school will go global. In the concept submission, I skirted around the issue a little by saying that global is happening anyway and we need to learn from it before we can really say what we will do. And I thought about it.

Then I did what some of you, if you have read my posts all along, are familiar with -- I flipped it. Most people are thinking of foreign exchange programs where our students go out in the world and study in other schools, live with other families. It's more an academic thing than a real life thing, and there's nothing wrong with that. I just don't think it fits with L&LNM's message.

I propose that we tie in our global concept with our local concept. Let's make it about community. For example, here in NM we are familiar with drought. How do we solve some of the problems surrounding drought? There are other places in this world that face the same issue. Let's share and work on this together with similar communities around the globe! Maybe some of our students will go to other communities in the world to work on the issue. Maybe someone from another country can visit NM and help us with the issue. A Peace Corps kind of thing.

L&LNM State-Level Projects

I see this kind of project as one in which students in L&LNM learning communities around the state can participate. This brings together our students, teachers, and parents and builds a statewide community as well as a global community. 

I would also like to have another statewide project to build a couple of tiny houses to use as mobile offices/classrooms for orientations and enrollment in our more remote communities.

What do you think? Let me know. Please please please PUH-LEEZ comment! After you make your incredibly helpful comment, go out and learn something new on this beautiful brisk New Mexico morning. Go New Mexico!


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