NM Communities Needed for L&LNM Super School

I was exploring my L&LNM Facebook page and the data it offers and found some useful information that will help me make an educated guess about how many XQ super school learning communities, LCs, that each community could have if this thing happens.

I looked at the data surrounding the almost 700 page likes I have. Almost 700! Woo hoo!

The likes are broken down by what cities the likers live in. That is going to make it so much easier to guess how many we can serve in each community. There are 300 in Abq! That is enough for 5-7 learning communities there, each working on a project, like road rage or homelessness, and coming up with possible solutions.

In Las Cruces, there are 25 people; in Farmington, 10; in Santa Fe, 8; and in Cedar Crest, Los Alamos, Gallup, Grants, and Silver City, 3 each. I don't care if only one person in a community is interested. That's enough to start up a learning community in the Live and Learn New Mexico! super school.

I am appealing to those who Liked L&LNM on Facebook. I need ideas for projects that our super school learning communities could work on in your town. It doesn't have to be a problem; it could be making something good even better.

I have many ideas for projects but need to hear from you because you know your communities best. What kinds of learning projects could be done in Gallup, in Silver City, in Tucumcari, wherever?


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