Scavenger Hunting to a High School Diploma
I was encouraged Wednesday to have two returning students in class. But I think I am still going to implement the ideas I talked about in the post last week -- hold orientations, get students onto Khan Academy at the orientation. email assignments, refer them to online resources, and then meet with each student once a month at least.
If anyone out there is actually trying out these activities, please let me know how it's going. Bad or good, I need feedback so I can keep working to make L&LNM better. I'll take suggestions, too.
With that in mind, I am going to concentrate on building a program that can be done online and at each student's pace. Today, I will be sending all the students I've met with so far, returning or not, the assignments below to help them get to know the HiSET, the high school equivalency test L&LNM has chosen as an alternative to the Pearson-owned GED.
Assignment 1: HiSET scavenger hunt
Go to the HiSET website. Write answers in complete sentences for writing practice (no run-ons, fragments, or bullet lists):
Go to the HiSET website. Write answers in complete sentences for writing practice (no run-ons, fragments, or bullet lists):
- Name the five test subjects in the HiSET.
- How much does the HiSET cost?
- Where are the nearest testing centers?
- Watch one of videos 1-4 and list three things you learned.
- What are the NM requirements for taking the HiSET?
- Can you take some of the five tests in English and others in Spanish?
- Can you take all five tests in one day?
- Do you have to take the test on a computer?
- What is the retest policy?
- Can you pay for the test with cash?
- What are some recommended ways to study for the HiSET?
- Who publishes the HiSET?
- Do all 50 states allow the HiSET to be used to determine high school equivalency? How do you know this?
Assignment 2: grammar worksheets
I tried to find free sites like Khan Academy that students could use to work on their grammar and writing skills. I'm still looking but I did find a good site on the Arizona State University website that will work well for grammar review.
This assignment is to go to the site and start clicking on each worksheet. If you know the topic, don't waste time on it. Go on to the next link. But check out each link to make sure you do indeed know it. The worksheet topics are often seen on HSE tests.
That's all I've got for today but I'm thinking hard about a film I just watched on Netflix. It's called Cowspiracy, and it's an eye opener. I just might have to blog about it because it changes some of the ideas I had about helping NM get its power back.
It's Friday! Go out on this beautiful fall day and have fun learning something.
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