How Can You Learn if You Don't Go to Class?

The problem with offering adult education classes is getting students to attend on a regular basis. It has always been a challenge that I'm not sure L&LNM should spend so much time on. Why are we fighting the way things are? Why don't we find ways to work with the fact that adults don't really have time to regularly attend a high school equivalency prep class if they work and have a life?

Every fiber of my being cries out to rein students in to a classroom and gain control over their progress but that is just perpetuating an outdated way of learning. If I'm trying to help them take charge of their own learning, how can I expect them to run to a class every week?

The whole purpose of the class should be to help them empower themselves to study and prepare for the test on their own with support and encouragement from Live and Learn New Mexico!

We have come to believe that our services are meant to be primarily utilized online, and they won't really be classes but a place where adults can find the resources they need to reach their educational goals. 

It is important, however, as a new nonprofit, to be able to track results so that we know if we are making a difference or not. We need data, too, so we can apply for future funding.

It is also important to have some face time with each student to go over their work and continue to encourage them.

Flipping It
So what do I do? I flip it. If those non-returning students were using Khan Academy as part of my class then I would be able to see if they are studying. What I did in the past was invite them in the first class and then tell them to go home and open up the invitation email and follow the instructions. That is obviously not working as none signed up.

I need to offer orientations once or twice a month rather than classes once a week. At each orientation, I will go over the HiSET and get the students signed onto Khan Academy.

Instead of sending them off to join my Khan Academy class on their own when they return home, I will have them do it in class and we will go over the site together, get them started on some problems, watch a video or two, so they can see how the site works.

I think once they use Khan Academy, they will like it and continue. Sometimes you just have to show people how to do it. That way, too, I'm assuring that they sign up for the class and I will be able to see how they're doing, which satisfies in a small way my need to control things as a teacher but more importantly, starts to build a database.

Face Time
As for the face time I still believe we need to establish with each student, I will set up times we can meet one-on-one and work on whatever they are having issues with.

They do not have to come to class for that; we can meet when and where it is convenient for them. I can also offer regular walk-in tutor hours at a nearby library, school, or community center. 

I think, too, that L&LNM will start offering an incentive for students to participate in our "class". We will pay the testing fees for students who stick with the program. When students feel they are ready, they will take a practice test, and if they do well, we will pay the testing fee and send them on their way.

All right! I'm pumped and ready to do this! I have been for a while. It takes longer than I expected to actually put ideas into practice but we are getting there. Still planning to get this going first in Moriarty.

I hope everyone is enjoying the monsoon season. We are having a great one. Go out today and learn something, New Mexico!


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