Michelle in her time of dementia: or how cannabis saved me

I started to post on Facebook an update to my mental health adventure but decided instead to blog about it. 
The last five years have been a blur. They included finding myself living alone on the homestead with no car, which resulted in extreme loneliness. Ironically, I'm not alone in that respect; there are way too many lonely people, and that is a condition that is bad for our overall health. It resulted, for me, in serious anxiety and panic attacks and hypertension. 
I coped in many ways... I paced my one-acre lot, burning the anxious energy,  gathering rocks, filling my pockets with them. Rocks have great energy and they heal. My home is covered with them. 
Collecting rocks led to making art with them. I started wrapping rocks in my own way, and I called it all "good energy rock art". 
I shared my love of rocks on Facebook and found many new friends who encouraged and inspired me. I didn't feel so lonely.
Another hobby that helped me cope was photography. I've snapped photos all my life but for the first time, with social media, I started getting recognition and praise for my work, especially for my snaps of our amazing New Mexico sky. Again,
 encouraging and inspiring.
Many times, though, I considered selling the homestead, buying a van, and traveling the state, blogging as I go. That's when I would load a pipe and smoke me some weed while contemplating my options.
Which leads to my next point... cannabis heals. 
I've been trying different kinds of CBD since recreational marijuana became legal in New Mexico (on my birthday btw). I tend to prefer indica strains over sativa because indica calms my anxiety. Recently I tried a hybrid of the two that I especially liked called Sugar Mama. It relaxed me and it burned slowly so it lasted longer. It even alleviated my sciatic pain. 
I shop local. There are lots of great dispensaries out here in the east mountains. I'm even trying to get on part time at one of them. 
So stay tuned as I learn more about weed and its healing properties. 
Until next time, peace.


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