Connected to Earth... reaching for the sky

Is it the tree or the sky that makes this picture? It's both, a partnership of sorts. The tree connects the sky and earth. At least, that's how I see it. 
I've enjoyed some popularity with the photos I share on social media. I think much of the appeal of my snaps is the the individual elements fit together to evoke a feeling or emotion...
Albuquerque's east mountain area and its winds are powerful. They are what make the skies so amazing. Like the trees, it is true New Mexico spirit to bend and endure. 
Well tended acres. There are several successful farms in the area. Beans are a popular crop. Trees line property boundaries. 

Old deserted homesteads... dreams left behind? When I see these old properties with shade trees and outbuildings like sheds, chicken houses and stables, I find myself imagining what life was like back in the day. Was this homestead a dream to someone? A dream realized? I would love to hear the stories.


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