DAPL and the Protectors: It's Time to Set Things Right

I've been fascinated by the DAPL protest, watching people whose rights have long been violated stand strong against American capitalism/corporatocracy and take their power back. This is much more than a protest against something that will hurt our planet -- it's also oppressed/underserved populations realizing that they have a voice and using it.

I have had many feelings about the protest. I wanted to go to Standing Rock and show my support but it didn't feel right.  I have absolutely no American Indian blood in me and because of that, this protest just seemed like something I can't be a part of. But I still want to find a way to show my support because this issue -- jeopardizing water supplies in the name of money -- is one the world should be paying attention to. 

Leading the Way

Who has stood up to lead the charge? The tribes, pueblos, first nations, indigenous cultures around the continent and even the world, of course. I'm watching it play out on social media because the networks and other politically motivated platforms don't seem too interested. I don't know if it's a cultural thing, a generational thing, or both, but I'm impressed with how effectively the word has been spread this way. 

I've been thinking for days as to what I will say in a blog post, the only way I know to contribute in some way... and then I watched Longmire again. 

Longmire and My TV Spirit Guides

I think I have TV spirit guides who lead me, at just the right moment, to shows that help me put all my thoughts together.  

Today, it was a Longmire episode about a young American Indian woman who is raped by two white men who work on an oil rig. The first issue, of course, involves whether the crime took place on the reservation or not...we already know they will have to deal with a corrupt, broken system. It's a complicated story but I only want to look at one aspect today.

Sheriff Longmire's daughter, a lawyer, wants to find a way to help women on the reservation like this young woman who was raped. When she approaches a family friend, who is a tribal member, about her idea to provide much needed legal services on the reservation, the friend says it is a waste  of time, that it is not her battle but theirs. They do not want her help in that way. Food for thought. Intentions may be good but not results, not in corrupt systems. 

But maybe they would appreciate her support in other ways. Maybe they would appreciate knowing that there are outsiders who care. There are a LOT of us who are clapping, cheering, and celebrating the DAPL protesters. 

It's time to set things right -- against past and current crimes committed by our own governments, against big businesses destroying our planet for money, against corrupt systems that force us to care more about menial jobs than our own families. We know better! We know what's important so we aren't going to take it anymore. 

For my part, I will blog and cheer for those who are standing up for people and a better world -- the Protectors. I will continue to Like and Share posts in order to spread the latest news to those who care. 

Today, I'm driving up the beautiful Turquoise Trail to Santa Fe. No signs of fracking, no pipelines. Just fall settling in, upbeat music, and peaceful thoughts. 


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