Learning from our Road Rage

They are talking about road rage on the radio, and I'm trying to fill out the XQ Super School Challenge concept form for submission November 15. One question the form asks is what kinds of learning experiences our students will have.

We will be a project-based learning school. Each community we serve will have a team of teachers, students, parents, businesses, nonprofits, interested residents, etc. to identify, research, and propose solutions to community and/or world issues. 

One example I've spoken of before is Bosque Farms. If we brought back the dairies to that community and produced our food locally, cutting out mega food producing corporations, would we alleviate the global warming problem? Would we bring jobs to our communities?

We could take the same project approach to the road rage problem in Abq. A learning team could research the problem, describe it, propose solutions, and then maybe try them out and report on their success. 

L&LN wants to do this!! If you do, too, join our XQ Super School team at xqsuperschool.org or email us at liveandlearnnm@gmail.com. Let's learn something and solve problems at the same time. Let's pull together as communities to make our world a better one. 


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