Starting small but strong

The orientation at A New Awakening in Rio Rancho went well. Let's just hope the three students return next week for the first class. I gave them a math workbook to go over this week and told them to try to do the pretest. If they can't figure out a problem, I told them to ask someone else who may know. If they just don't remember how to do a problem and need a reminder, they can look at the answer key in the back of the book. These are things I've done in the past. We are all adults here, which means a lot of things but for this post, it means that we have the ability to (re-)learn on our own, with prompts that mean something to us, and with the help of our friends and family.

My class is not about telling the students what they need to know to pass a high school equivalency test; it's about guiding them in their learning, first to pass the test, and then, more importantly, to get on with their lives and do what they want to do.

For the first class, I will be taking my students to the online Khan Academy, where they will sign up as my students so that I can check on their progress as they work on the site. We will go through how the site works. They will be able to work whenever they have time and at their own pace. When we meet for class, we will go over the stuff that still has them stumped. I'm hoping to have a good math tutor by then to help me as I'm not the best math teacher. But we can use Khan Academy, too. It is good for that.

Once we get started on math, I will add writing to their list of tasks. Now that, I am good at. Then we will pull in all the other test subjects as we work on the two main ones.

Also for the first class, we will visit high school equivalency test sites to see what is required and check out some practice test questions.

I'm glad there are only a few students for now. That way, I can really give each individualized guidance as they work at their own pace on their own time. I will learn how to continue to provide that kind of help as my program grows. Start small...

Just want to shout out to Erick Pacheco at A New Awakening. Thanks for helping Live and Learn New Mexico! get off to a great start.


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