The Be Kind Network: a better explanation... I hope

I realize, through feedback from friends and readers and going back and re-reading an earlier post, that I had not been clear as to what I had in mind regarding the Be Kind Network. 
That's because I didn't know what I had in mind until now. So I'm going to try to explain it better in this post.
The network will not necessarily be a physical building or space somewhere, although it could be. 
Instead, think of it as a network of like-minded individuals and organizations that rely on effective intercommunication to provide learning opportunities in all shapes and sizes to learners of all shapes and sizes. 
For example, I noticed tv commercials  about Acoma Sky City and how they encourage us to visit and learn about their history and their native language. 
The Be Kind Network can put the word out, inviting schools and homeschoolers to:
--visit the pueblo 
--watch a video about it for those who can't visit in person
--talk about it and learn about Sky City's history
--listen to stories told by native speakers
--create class projects about the culture. 
Not just Acoma but all the tribes and pueblos in the state. Just think of all the learning opportunities! The network would help coordinate their efforts.
Another idea...the network could work with local businesses to create internships for teens. Wash Deez Mutts is a new dog grooming salon in Moriarty. Once they are established, they will consider an internship program to teach grooming skills to locals. The Be Kind Network could coordinate and market it for them. 
Another idea... teens work with local radio and tv personalities/work crews to learn broadcasting skills. KRQE has a "weather academy". The weather people visit classes and talk about their work. 
The network could have a student-run radio show, sharing with the state what is happening each day in our communities. 
It would also be fun and educational to offer food truck internships. A final thought...the network could highlight New Mexico artists and artisans through workshops, internships, and instructional videos. 
We also want to bring learning opportunities at small airports like those in Los Alamos and Moriarty to the attention of learners, educators and schools. 
The Be Kind Network is simply the hub. We will get the word out about learning opportunities we learn of. We will create videos, or share video creations by others, that teachers and homeschoolers can use for certain kinds of lessons. 
People can contact us to get the word out about what they are doing.  Everything has to be a learning experience, taught by real life situations. 
I recently saw a couple of stories about APS on the news. One APS class sent students to district court one day to see how it works. Great idea! 
They are also changing the bus schedule, staggering pick-up/drop-off times, depending on grade level. They did this to address a shortage of busdrivers but it should have other good outcomes, including having middle and high schoolers start the school day later, allowing them to get more sleep, something they need at that age. 
What are your thoughts? How can we bring education to the community level and create an effective network of communication for all involved? How can we help kids learn in the environments they live in rather than shipping them off to a school? 
Kind, constructive comments welcome. Until next time... peace.


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