in search of the Lazy J

I've noticed over the last few years an abandoned motel along Rt. 66 in Moriarty called the Lazy J.  

I've also noticed that the curio shop/thrift store/artist mall business in the east mountains is growing by leaps and bounds. 
Church Street Market in Edgewood is a good example. Local artists/artisans can rent a space and sell their wares. It's a little out of the way but even people from Albuquerque visit. 
The Lazy J would make an excellent artists mall, too. I loved the idea so I decided to find out who the owner is and if they are interested in renting or selling the place. Not as easy as you would think. 
I searched online and found nothing helpful. 
So I stopped by the motel to see if there were any signs on the property that might lead me to the owner. 
There was a handwritten sign on the office door...quite old but with a phone number. I snapped a photo of it and made a mental note to call the next day. Then I promptly forgot about it. 
About a week later, I called and got the voicemail of another business in town, Rose's Guns and More. Hmmm. I left a message asking if they were the owners but never heard back.
So I visited their store and found out that they did not own the Lazy J. They did give me the name Padilla, saying a lady with that name (first name JJ?) had that phone number before they did. 
If they remembered correctly, she owned a motel in Moriarty. Now I had a name. 
I was able to find Judith Padilla online and connect her to the motel. There was a different phone number listed, too.
When I called, though, there was no answer and no name given when it went to voicemail. I didn't leave a message. 
I asked my Facebook friends for ideas. Someone suggested the county assessor. 
Geno Jones at the Torrance county assessor's office confirmed that Judith Padilla was the owner. He had a PO box for her. 
If nothing else, I could drop a letter of inquiry in the mail. Again, not so easy as I no longer have stamps, paper and envelopes around like I used to. 
I shall continue to research it all in the hopes that my efforts will end with the establishment of an amazing community artists mall. 
Anyone reading this, let me know what you think and if you want to help me make this happen. 
And Judy Padilla, if you're out there, I want very much to meet you. I bet you have stories to tell. 


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