Let's be kind

Over the years, as I've blogged, I've talked about gun control without ever reaching any answers or solutions. My concern with guns is that they kill, and death by gun has reached a record high in Abq. It is an almost daily occurrence.

I do not own a gun but seems like everyone else does. Lots of people tell me they have one for protection. I find that thought very scary.

Then I realized that I was approaching it from the wrong perspective. I wasn't fighting against the situation; I was fighting against guns. I was getting political, and I try not to do politics.

Kindness campaign 

What if we looked at it from a kindness perspective? That is, what if instead of trying to enact legislation to contain violence, we simply start raising our kids to be kind and learn to solve problems peacefully?

I've been promoting kindness for years. This idea makes sense. We could work in the schools, helping kids learn to be sensitive to others and to solve life's problems in kind rather than confrontational and defensive ways.

We could work with parents as well, helping them deal with the stresses of parenthood in kind, not angry, ways and helping them pass kind practices along to their kids. 

We could publish a newsletter, sharing inspiring stories and educational information. 

The local broadcasting industry could participate as well -- TV, radio and internet personalities visiting schools, etc.

Local businesses could both sponsor our efforts and gain more exposure through this kind of collaboration.

So this is what I propose. Anyone who is interested in helping me with my campaign, please comment on this post.  

Once we have people, we can talk and plan. Until next time... 


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