Donny's Retreat

2020 was the year that challenged us all in many many many ways. If there were one word that comes up a lot when I think of the year, it is loneliness. I was incredibly lonely. There were other factors besides the virus that contributed to my loneliness. I live in a rural area. My family had moved out of my place just before the virus struck, leaving me alone. I had no car to escape to town just to get out and about. The virus dramatically exacerbated the lonely feeling. There were times that I even considered ending it all and moving on to a more peaceful existence. 

I know I was not the only one who felt so lonely. On the last day of January this year, my nephew's son Donovan, feeling profoundly lonely and depressed, took his own life. I have been thinking about him every day since. 

For my own depression, I've found that having something to work on, especially something that helps others, helps me deal. Donovan's mom, Misty, is also like that. She started a Facebook page dedicated to him that reaches out to others about depression and suicide called Do It For Donny. 

I feel the need to do something, too, something that could help others. I was going to flesh out my ideas but I think I will just post what I have so far and let you, the reader and someone who cares, contribute your thoughts. Please kindly and constructively comment. 

Donny's Retreat

  • buy multiple acres in east mountains
  • one-month healing retreat which includes:
    • group sessions with licensed counselors
    • exercise
      • skate park on property built by participants
      • walk
    • energy work
      • meditation
      • emotional freedom techniques (EFT)
    • charitable work
      • ideas? schools? senior citizen orgs?
    • work/training (can partner with other nonprofits)
      • clean/refurbish mobile homes for resale
      • dog kennels/sanctuary/training/grooming
      • horses/cows?
      • cannabis
  • training for volunteers
  • family/survivor healing/therapy
I'm sure there's more to think of so if you do, please share. 


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