Marijuana Heals

April 14, 2021: With the legalization of recreational marijuana, I thought this a good time to re-post this -- 

I'm not a political person. Politics are very angry and confrontational, and I'm not into all that. I'd rather meet peacefully with people from other countries and solve problems. Why are we competing? We need to pull together and save the planet already.

I do, however, want to say that I love that a positive-thinking woman is in the New Mexico Governor's office. Michelle Lujan Grisham wants to legalize recreational marijuana. She knows it heals, not hurts, for most people, and the money spent preventing its use, and criminalizing it, is ridiculous. It's time.

my drug of choice
I've smoked weed since I was 19, when I met the lovable pothead trombone player who would become my husband in the UNM marching band my second year of college. Marijuana changed my angst-ridden, over-thinking life.

I immediately found weed to be calming and healing. My thoughts no longer raced and I could just relax. It has always been medical to me...and spiritual. Smoking marijuana is like smudging my body as I do in my home each morning with lavender, cedar and sage.

Most of us have a "drug" of choice. My mom dealt with lifelong anxiety and depression with a glass of wine at the end of each day. I tried that, too, but found that my own depression was only worsened when I partook. It was easy for me not to drink, and I continue not to drink, not even on occasion anymore. I just don't drink.

I do not do any other drugs either, not even prescription meds, at this time. I have tried antidepressants in the past and found them to be effective but, since becoming vegan (mostly... I slip now and again), and since moving to a place I love and doing things I love, I have not even considered meds. However, they do help a lot of people and are getting more safe/effective all the time. They should not be discounted if you are looking for relief. 

I propose we all start working on our spiritual selves. That is healing, too. Find your peace, heal, find happiness to be a good, kind person on our beautiful planet. 

That's all I have for today. Until next time...peace. 


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