Main Street Moriarty

Since moving to the small town two and a half years ago, I've come to appreciate living in Moriarty, New Mexico, in many ways. Sure, there are issues, as with any town no matter the size. But the good outweighs the bad. Here are some of the things I've noticed about Moriarty. Some are trivial, others more consequential.
  • Moriarty has more storage rental places than any other small town I've ever seen. Seriously. There is a storage facility on almost every street seems like. On one street, there are two different ones right next to each other! It's ridiculous...or maybe it's not. Maybe there's a demand.
  • The sky is amazing. I take thousands of photos of the clouds that are shaped and molded by the sometimes mild, sometimes mighty wind.
  • Rt. 66 is the town's main street but business is bad and there are lots of abandoned buildings due to the fact that I-40 exists. You can tell it was once a hustling, bustling road.
  • The town is located about 30 miles from Albuquerque and makes for a good place for travelers and truckers to stop if they want to avoid the city. There are three truck stops.
  • Moriarty has nice city parks, including one along main street and a skate park right down the street from city hall. 
  • There is a lovely little library and civic center.
  • There are lots of interesting older vehicles driving around. 
  • There is a small airport and I daily see planes flying, some pulling gliders it!
  • There is the US Southwest Soaring Museum.
  • McCall's Pumpkin Patch is also nearby.
  • There are lots of cigarette smokers...STOP!  
I love the place. I do. If you have experienced Moriarty, let me know what you think. Love it? Not so much? Please comment nicely.

Go out and make it a day, New Mexico! Until next time.


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