Learning through Acupuncture

I thought I'd share more of what I'm learning from my acupuncturist. This week, I haven't touched cashews and other nuts, for the most part -- I slipped up on Halloween candy. Still, I think the doctor was right about them. They contribute to the "dampness" he senses when he takes my pulses. It's been hard to get rid of that dampness completely, and it's been hanging around for a long while.
I've been going to him weekly for a while now, and we work on my issues together. I believe that combining his acupuncture with healthy and natural nutritional practices (I'm interested in ayurvedic nutrition) will work in the end, though. I am learning. I have come to value his knowledge immeasurably, and he is willing to learn as well as we look at nutrition combined with acupuncture to promote healing. 
I have also started drinking teas that help with mood and digestion, etc. Traditional Medicinals are good, as are Yogi teas. I like Cup of Calm and Cup of Sunshine from the first, Relaxed Mind from the second. They don't have caffeine, which seems to make me a little anxious, even in tea doses. I don't have to give up caffeine but if other teas work on mood rather than energy, which I have plenty of, then I plan to continue with them. They are pretty effective.  

We have free range chickens that lay lots o' eggs. Recently, I started eating eggs again. I never was a big fan but I do love huevos rancheros with green chile. Also, the extra protein is doing me good, I think. I only eat them about twice a week. My doctor thinks it was a good move. No chickens are being abused or taken advantage of so we don't think it violates vegan ideals. We will never buy eggs in stores. Fresh eggs are DELICIOUS!

Last, for sleeping, the doctor recommended a couple of calcium tablets before bed. They work and I like that better than the Nyquil I used to turn to when I got desperate, which hasn't been in a long time. 
I share all this to encourage people to try acupuncture as an alternative to Big Pharma and its medications that you can get hooked on. 
I work with my acupuncturist like many of you work with your doctors of western medicine. But I don't take medications; I get stuck with needles and relax for about twenty minutes and leave the doctor's office feeling like a million bucks. 

And it's so freakin' interesting! The more I learn, the more impressed I am with this thousands of years old, magical, healing practice. I hope those of you reading this, if you are sick, have allergies, or are in pain, will consider acupuncture. If you do try it, let me know how it goes. 

In the meantime, fall has hit our fair state. Fall in New Mexico is always much too short. Love it while it lasts.


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