Capitalistic Nonprofitism

Today, I attended a CNPE seminar about the role of the intern in a nonprofit setting. I learned a lot about the differences between volunteers, interns, and work study students. 

As I learn how to establish and run L&LNM, I continue to strongly feel that really there isn't much strength behind the nonprofit. We have to do everything within a capitalist model -- we still have to compete for funds and follow employment laws. Secure jobs and money are still the "reward" we all call the American dream. 

I get it but I don't. What is the point of being a nonprofit if we have to make it all about money? I believe that money isn't the answer to any of our problems, that we can do a lot without spending a dime. 

Back to the seminar -- just in time, one of the presenters mentioned that nonprofits can offer non-monetary incentives to their volunteers, as long as they aren't brand new cars or something. A gift card or a pizza party would work.

I thought, could we barter instead of relying so much on money and being forced to compete for funding? Could we do it on a large enough scale so that we no longer work for money but pool our resources together as communities and solve problems without anyone, including the nonprofit itself, going into debt? 

Most importantly, if we were to find a way to barter and not rely on money AT ALL, would They find a way to make it illegal for us to do as a nonprofit? I mean, if they can make it illegal in some places to collect rainwater...

I believe we can solve many problems we have with little or no money if we just pull together as communities and share our resources. I would hate to think that I might be forced to make L&LNM all about money -- and competing for it -- and worrying about it. 

I learned a lot today about all the things we can't do as nonprofits with interns and volunteers, which put me in a negative mood. I prefer to find creative and positive ways to help New Mexicans live happy, healthy lives without having to stress their way to a limited number of jobs with "benefits" and worry about paying bills. 

Okay, that's it for today. We've had a pretty hot summer so far. Be careful in the heat, don't leave your pets in the car, and dream of beautiful New Mexico in the golden light of fall. 


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