"Opting Out" of Corporatocracy

I have never been more ashamed and embarrassed to be an American, so much so that I feel the need to explain to other ordinary people who don't live in the US that I am not what my government purports me to be.

1. I'm not a capitalist. I've spent my adult life trying to get that good job with benefits. I played the game, competed, job hopped, moved up the career ladder. It took me a long time to realize that basically I was providing cheap slave labor for businesses that gave me NOTHING in return. Why was I working so hard when my employers in no way, shape, or form cared about me, and when I felt no confidence that I would be able to retire EVER?

2. I am not a member of a democracy. The average American has no voice at all. Elections are rigged. Political processes are a joke. Presidential candidates are a joke. Our government shares a bed with big business. It's all about money, and I'm tired of money. The correct term for what we are is Corporatocracy. 

3. I'm just as scared as the rest of the world that Big Business will be our next president, confirming that we are indeed a corporatocracy and sealing our reputation that all we care about is money/power. 

4. I'm mortified that we go out and "corrupt" other countries by forcing them into debt to American corporations under the guise of philanthropy. Which leads to my next point...

5. I DO NOT want to globalize -- that just means that the banks want to spread their perverted brand of business around the world. I DO want to build a global community in which everyday, average people around the world share ideas to solve problems. 

I want to feel good to be an American again. The only way that can happen is if we, as average people who want to live a good life, pull together and do just that -- live a good life. So let's opt out of corporatocracy and do our own thing. 

It doesn't have to cost a lot of money, we don't have to go through political process, and it can be done without corporations intervening. All we need to do is go local and go organic. Let's bring jobs back to our NM communities. Let's take our power back. 
Let me explain...I learned recently that if we just harnessed the wind power of three of our states, we could provide wind energy for the entire country. We can easily go solar. We could have been driving electric cars for years now. 
So why haven't all those things happened yet? Because it takes money away from Big Oil and Gas. 

Turning our backs on big business
I would like to start a program that converts houses from oil/gas to solar/wind/sustainable energy. We would convert one house at a time, and the people who own the house, their neighbors, etc. will do the work with help from local businesses/schools. 
In many towns, there is a Rotary Club or similar organization, and they often award small grants for projects like this. A small grant could be all it takes to convert one house to solar. 
After one house is converted, those who worked on it and learned can help with the next house.  People are gaining skills that could get them jobs but more importantly, people are helping each other achieve incredible things without going into debt. Communities are pulling together to solve problems. 

What do you think? 

It's another amazing day in New Mexico, so go out and learn something. 


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