Reflections of a born again pothead

Today I got my medical marijuana card. I called the number for Balanced Health ( that my budtender gave me, made an appointment for a phone interview, and registered online. 
The appointment was set up quickly. In a call that lasted ten minutes, I was able to get approval for the card by providing proof of my sciatica history and answering questions about my health history. 
Kathy McKenzie was kind, knowledgeable and friendly. She alleviated the anxiety I was feeling about it all. We had a nice conversation as I applied. I paid a reasonable fee and it was done! 
I just want to say that I wish marijuana got the recognition for healing that it deserves a long time ago. I know my life would be different in a good way.
 It truly is medicinal. I've been trying different strains and learning that some work well for anxiety, others not so much. Some work well for physical pain, and again others don't. Getting my card lets me afford to try different strains. 
I'm planning to look more into indica strains. I was thinking they might bring my mood down but maybe they will calm me...
I'll let you know. 
I'm also looking into edibles and their benefits. I'm thinking I'll end up counting on a few favorites and having them available consistently, along with the flower I enjoy. 
Another interesting observation... I don't wake up each morning to immediately take a hit. To me, that's how it is medicinal. After using it a little while, I find I no longer need it as much and therefore, it lasts longer. I've been waking up in a positive mood each day. 
I'd love to hear from others who are having a good experience with cannabis. Please comment kindly. 
That's it for now. Until next time, peace. 


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