Bird talk
Usually, whenever I get messages from birds, they are positive, affirming that I am headed in the right direction. My bird friends fly overhead or sit on wires and say hey as we drive by. A nod from a raven is a good thing. Lately, however, it seems like their messages are telling me to stay away --away from what, I don't always know. The first and loudest incident I'm still thinking about was with a raven that hung out at the local day-care I worked at for two really long, discouraging days. Whenever I was out on the playground with the kids, this huge bird would fly down from its tree, touch the sand briefly near me, cawing loudly. I asked another caregiver if this was normal. She said it lived in tree nearby but never landed like that. And it wasn't usually so vocal. At the end of day two, my second and last, I knew I was in the wrong place -- for many reasons. The raven confirmed it. At day's end it flew from the back of the building, over the ro...