The Be Kind Network: a better explanation... I hope
I realize, through feedback from friends and readers and going back and re-reading an earlier post, that I had not been clear as to what I had in mind regarding the Be Kind Network. That's because I didn't know what I had in mind until now. So I'm going to try to explain it better in this post. The network will not necessarily be a physical building or space somewhere, although it could be. Instead, think of it as a network of like-minded individuals and organizations that rely on effective intercommunication to provide learning opportunities in all shapes and sizes to learners of all shapes and sizes. For example, I noticed tv commercials about Acoma Sky City and how they encourage us to visit and learn about their history and their native language. The Be Kind Network can put the word out, inviting schools and homeschoolers to: --visit the pueblo --watch a video about it for those who can't visit in person --talk about it and learn about...