A fence post

New Mexicans are all about honoring the past, appreciating the present, and dreaming to the future. We see beauty in the simple things, even in the ugly things. Fences evoke a nostalgia in us that is hard to explain. Although they are meant to contain, maybe even imprison, fences out on homesteads give us a sense of peace and comfort. We like fences. I was pleasantly surprised on this post to have more than my usual number of good photos to post. Of fences! So many kinds -- wire and wood plank fences -- but my favorite is the picket fence made with wobbly wood posts. I wish that I had a nifty fence embracing my homestead instead of the wire one that was cheap and quick to erect. One day, I hope to put up a picket fence. I will probably phlog about it. Until next time, peace.