Suicide: simply moving on?

When I was a kid in elementary school, I talked with my Catholic best friend about suicide. I don't know why we talked about such a heavy subject at that tender age but I do remember her telling me that her church believed that the act of suicide was a sin. I wondered why someone would be punished for this sin. Would knowing it is a sin really deter anyone who was thinking of ending their life? I couldn't believe it would. In 1980, the Church admitted that there was a mental health component to suicide. Society in general tends to tie suicide to depression and anxiety. We think there is something wrong with a suicidal person. We don't consider that perhaps the suicidal person is just as sane as anyone; they just see the Universe in a more inclusive way and understand that perhaps committing suicide is just moving on. I'm proposing that it is actually sanity in a way, that suicidal people are just tired of this existence. They know there are other existences. We think ...