
Showing posts from October, 2018

My brief return to public school

So I thought, when I found that I was going to have to go back to work and a job immediately presented itself, that it was meant to be. I had been blogging about mindfulness in the classroom and suddenly, the opportunity to return to teaching in the public schools, after decades of not, came along.The timing was just too perfect and I'm a sucker for woo woo stuff like fate and destiny and spirit. I thought I was being called to help kids cope better and learn. I thought I was going to save the world! I was so smart! I was going to create a mindful classroom just by going in and telling everyone to be kind to each other.  Two days after I started, I began to realize that I was there to learn a lesson of some sort and it wasn't going to be pretty. And that is indeed what happened. One day, despite trying to build my defenses against such an occurrence, a student got in my face and screamed at me that I couldn't touch him. I don't know what happened. I snapped and s...