
Showing posts from August, 2018

Bullying and Mindfulness

It's no secret that bullying is a problem, not only in school with our kids but also in life in general. People can be pretty mean. I'm sure most of us have been the victim of a bully or have seen bullying happen to others. We study bullying and report its different variations (physical, verbal, mental) and the effects it has on victims, and it seems like the conversation always centers on how to react to bullying. There isn't much talk about how to prevent it in the first place. According to the Huffington Post (, schools should do the following, and more, in order to deal with bullying: reduce unsupervised time in the school day better monitor places where bullying happens train teachers to spot and handle incidents encourage all to report bullying when they see it establish a procedure to investigate reports of bullying These are all well and good but is that really the wa...