
Showing posts from June, 2018

Horses Heal

Animals provide companionship, help us deal with life in general, and help us heal. It only seems natural to think about animals and the mutually beneficial relationships we can share with them. As I was researching a story about horse vaulting last month, I asked Facebook friends and followers if they had stories to tell about animals in their lives. One friend, who took care of his father before he passed, told me that he trained his dog Ruby to "check on Dad". When something was wrong, she would bark. This is an example of a dog supporting the son but I'm sure she was also comfort and love to Dad as well. I'm convinced my own dog Joey is an empath. I am always interested to see who he will sit by when people are in the house and having a conversation. Often it is a visitor he doesn't really know. I think he sits by the person he senses needs a friendly spirit by their side. He doesn't bug them at all, just sits quietly. They often reach dow...