The Trash-Filled Turquoise Trail

Michelle Worley here, L&LNM blogging today about the beautiful Turquoise Trail, as I've done before, but this time I'm taking a look at the dark side -- the litter. I wasn't aware that there was so much trash along the side of the highway until my son, Daniel, and his companion, Mariah, decided to collect cans to make a little extra money. They rode their bikes up the Trail from Cedar Crest to the Lazy Lizard bar, which is next to a gas station/convenience store. They figured there would probably be some cans around there. They were right. I think it was the guide at the OASIS walk I went on last week who told us about how someone put little flags everywhere a dog had done its business out in the area we were walking. There were so many bright flags that it looked like a field of flowers. If we did the same with every piece of litter, every can, we saw on a strip of the Turquoise Trail, would it look like a field of flowers? I'm not going to go so far as t...