GED Classes in August, Route 66, and Thailand
GED Prep Classes Okay! It’s time to quit obsessing about capitalism, credit card companies, and test publishers and get on with my own business, Live and Learn New Mexico! August approaches and I need to start at least one GED prep class when the school semester starts. I will do that at A New Awakening, a counseling service in Rio Rancho. I worked with one of the counselors, Erick Pacheco, before and we had started up a good partnership to provide GED prep classes when leadership at UNM-Los Alamos told me to drop them. I won't elaborate on that but I should thank UNM-Los Alamos for inspiring me to start my own nonprofit. Bringing Route 66 Back However, as I try to concentrate on starting up a GED class, all of the stuff I’ve been learning about New Mexico this year is swimming in my head. Yesterday I attended a workshop offered by the Rt. 66 Road Ahead Initiative and learned there’s a lot going on all over this state and the other seven states the route meanders thr...